Public Disclosure
Licensing Information
Emoney Financial Services Ltd Trading as (INSURE my MORTGAGE) hold a Financial Advice Provider licence (FAP) FSP1006283. Here is some key information you need to know to help you understand what type of advice I am able to give you, so that you can make an informed and confident choice when engaging me.
Who We Are
Financial Adviser Provider: Emoney Financial Services Ltd Trading as (INSURE my MORTGAGE)
Address of Financial Advice Provider: 1/35 Pah Road, Epsom, Auckland 1023
Financial Adviser: Amit Munjal /(022) 000 0049
Company FSPR Number: FSP1006283
Nature and Scope of Advice
INSURE my MORTGAGE provides advice to clients about their mortgages, life insurance, and health insurance.
Products and Providers:
Mortgage: ASB, ANZ, BNZ, SBS
Insurance: Life Insurance, Critical Illness and Trauma, Total & Permanent Disability Insurance, Mortgage Repayment Cover, Income Protection Insurance, Redundancy Cover, Change of servicing Adviser on existing insurance policy.
Insurer: AIA, Asteron Life, NIB, Southern Cross, Partners Life, Chubb, Fidelity Life.
Out of Scope
We do not provide investment advice, legal advice, or tax matters advice.
Conflict Of Interest and Incentives
We INSURE my MORTGAGE (Financial Advice Provider) is committed to transparency. We are committed to ensuring that we provide financial advice that is impartial and delivers good outcomes for you. To ensure your interest, we follow the advice process mentioned above and make sure that advice caters to your personalized needs adequately.
We ensure transparency regarding any actual or potential conflicts, regardless of whether they have influenced our opinions or recommendations to the client.
We abstain from participating in business decisions that affect our immediate family members or associated entities.
We promptly notify our clients upon discovering any conflict of interest in our financial advice services, handling conflicts diligently to maintain the quality of advice. This includes discussing the conflict and our management plan with the client.
We proceed with the engagement only after obtaining written acceptance from the client regarding our conflict management plan and their satisfaction with proceeding.
We document all gifts and hospitality exceeding [$250] in value in the Gifts Register and disclose them to Compliance.
We maintain a Conflicts Register, documenting actions taken to mitigate identified conflicts. This register is regularly updated and reviewed annually as needed.
We receive upfront as well as ongoing commissions from the providers whose products we advise on, such as lenders and insurers. Sometimes, banks and insurers we work with may reward us with tickets to events, invitations to social functions, or gifts.
Some banks or Insurers also invite us to conferences or provide training to help improve the quality of the services we provide.
Complaints Process
If you have concerns about the financial advice or service provided, it's important to communicate them to me promptly. You can reach our internal complaints service by phone or email (please use the subject line: "Complaint - Your Name"). Clearly outline the nature of your complaint and the resolution you are seeking.
Acknowledgment: We strive to acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 24 hours.
Recording: Your complaint will be recorded in our Complaints Register.
Collaboration: We will work with you to address the issues raised. A meeting may be requested to better understand your concerns.
Response: We aim to provide a response within 7 working days of receiving your complaint.
If we cannot reach an agreement, you have the option to escalate the matter to our external dispute resolution service, Financial Services Complaints Limited (FSCL) - A Financial Ombudsman Service. This independent service is free of charge and aims to assist in resolving issues. Their details are as follows:
Phone: 0800 347 257
Mail: PO Box 5967 Wellington 6140
Our Duties and Obligations to You
As part of our commitment under the Financial Markets Conduct Act, we are obligated to:
Maintain high standards of competence, knowledge, and skill as specified in the Code of Conduct.
Prioritize your interests above all else.
Exercise careful diligence and skill in our advisory services.
Adhere to the ethical behavior, conduct, and client care standards set out in the Code of Conduct.
Contact Details
For any inquiries or further information, please contact us using the details below:
Phone: 022 000 0049
Company Name: Emoney Financial Services Ltd (Trading as Insure My Mortgage)
Address: 1/35 Pah Road, Epsom, Auckland, 1023
By choosing us for your insurance needs, you can be confident that you're getting the best insurance, the best price, and the least hassle.
1/35 Pah Road, Epsom, Auckland, 1023
© 2024. All rights reserved.
+64 22 0000 049
Work Hours
Mon - Sat : 9:00AM - 07:00 PM
Also available on Sunday with prior appointment